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I'm an accessibility- and performance-focused senior frontend developer and interaction designer with a whole load of professional experience.
I'm currently working for AND Digital and previously for BPDTS within the Department for Work and Pensions, Plusnet, as well as totting up over 10 years digital agency experience, a bit of consulting, some technical project management, mentoring, presenting/speaking out loud to a room-or-so full of people about things I know something about, and being an all-round decent bloke.
I've worked on award-winning projects in my time. Once, I worked on something that almost won an EMMY too.
TODO: Remember to add some really hard-hitting, motivational, disruptive, thoughtful (yet meaningful) words here for all to regard, cherish, and wish that they'd come up with them first.
Phil Steer
I work well with others. I can even work alone, and I sometimes do my own thing too. You should probably hire me for things. I can help with things.
I have worked with all sorts of things over the years, including (but not limited to): static site generators (such as Eleventy, Astro, Gatsby, NextJS, Jekyll), traditional CMSs (like MODX and Drupal, or even Wordpress if you twist my arm enough - but please don't ask me to because it's nasty), flat-file CMSs (Grav), the odd bit of e-commerce (Shopify is my go-to), a bit of React, many templating languages (such as Nunjucks, JSX, Twig, Liquid), and I do the odd bit of plain ol' vanilla Javascript too.